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Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT)

The Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) is a daytime sleep study that consistent of several (4 or 5) nap opportunities to assess the degree of sleepiness and also to evaluate for possible narcolepsy. This test is generally performed in conjunction with a Overnight Polysomnogram the night before.

These naps are spaced 2 hours apart beginning with the first one about 2 hours after the conclusion of the overnight polysomnogram. As a result, expect to be at the Sleep Lab for most of the day. In between naps, you will be asked to stay awake but refrain from excess sunlight or caffeinated products.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided to the patient (please inform the staff of dietary restrictions if any) but medications will not be dispensed. So, please bring your regular medications to take with you.

Smoking will not be permitted during the study.

A 2 week sleep diary should be completed prior to the MSLT.

The Maintenance of Wakefulness Test is currently not available.