Do your friends or family need health coverage?
If you have friends or family who need health care coverage, tell them that their chance is here, with the open enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
What is open enrollment?
It’s the period when you can enroll for 2016 health plans through your state’s Health Insurance Marketplace or through Kaiser Permanente.* Don’t miss the deadline! The annual open enrollment period is between November 1, 2015, and January 31, 2016, only.
Who is this for?
Anyone who doesn’t have health care coverage and is eligible, or people who would like to change their existing heath plan. Friends or family can shop for a 2016 Kaiser Permanente plan that’s right for them by:
- Visiting
- Calling one of our agents at 1-800-255-5169
- Visiting their state’s Health Insurance Marketplace
Is there financial help?
Yes, for those who qualify. People can use the calculator on their state’s Health Insurance Marketplace.
Where can I learn more about the ACA, health care reform, or the marketplaces?
*Washington, D.C., residents can only purchase coverage through the DC Health Insurance Marketplace, DC Health Link.
TOPICSACAhealth reform