Life in balance – Embrace your emotions
With everything you do, you may not be surprised that stress and “wanting more ‘me’ time” are among women’s top health concerns.
Remember, you don’t have to do everything. Taking breaks can help you stay healthy and give you time to pursue your passions. Ask for help when you need it from supportive family members and friends.
Ready, set, relax
When you’re running errands, it’s easy to get caught up in your to-do list. Sometimes, all it takes is doing something you enjoy every day — a movie, an hour in the park, or a hobby — with your family and friends. Other times, you may need to do more to tame your stress. Here are a few suggestions to help you relax and recharge:
- Get moving. Exercise can relieve tense muscles and boost your energy.
- Meditate. When you slow down, you can sharpen your focus.
- Chill out. Try a few simple relaxation techniques, or create your own personalized stress management program.
- Prioritize. Do the most important things first, and save the rest for later.
- Learn more ways to feel your best and become more balanced.
Keep your cool
Everyone gets mad. The key is how often, how much, and what you do about it. Learn some easy tips for cooling off.
Love the body you have
Feeling good about your appearance can be vital to your health and happiness. If you’re unsatisfied with your shape or size, comparing your body negatively to others, or feel awkward or anxious about your body, learn what you can do to look and feel your best.
Reach out for help
If you or a family member has an emotional challenge — a relationship problem, depression, or anxiety — check out our mental health center to get facts and treatment options. Learn more about our mental health services.
Everyone deserves a safe relationship. If you or someone you love are being abused, hurt, or threatened, talk with your doctor or another person you can trust or call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).