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Create a work-life balance in the Mid-Atlantic States

MAR 07, 2017
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It’s increasingly common for people to feel spread thin among work, family, and outside commitments. The struggle to achieve a healthy balance can cause high levels of stress and lead to burnout. If you’re feeling stressed from juggling work and other obligations, you can find balance without leaving yourself depleted.


Tame work-related stress


If you’ve ever brought work-related stress home with you, it probably kept you from fully enjoying your time among loved ones. If you’re finding the worries of your job difficult to leave behind at the end of the day, it may be a sign that your job is taking too much of a toll. Try these tips to help reduce work-related tension:


  • Discuss your concerns with your boss. This not only gives your boss visibility into issues he/she may not be aware of, it also opens up the opportunity for you to find a solution together.
  • Find out more about your company’s employee assistance program. Offered by most employers, employee assistance programs are designed to give you a safe, confidential place to discuss any personal or work-related problems you’re facing.
  • Explore ways to reduce your hours, even temporarily. If you feel like you’re working too much, ask your employer for scheduling flexibility, comp time, or other forms of reduced hours. Depending on your job, you may be able to reach a compromise by working remotely some days.

Reduce your stress outside of work


You could also be dealing with pressures in your off-time, such as health-related issues, grief, or major life changes. Sometimes even simple, daily demands can add up and leave people feeling drained.


If you believe you could benefit from mental health and wellness support, there are multiple options available. Reaching out to your physician could be a good first step. Your doctor could refer you to a therapist or counselor, plus recommend helpful self-care practices in the meantime.


You can also alleviate stress with these activities:


  • Daily exercise: A little bit of movement every day can make a surprising difference. You can try walks around your neighborhood, strength training, dancing, or team sports. Find something you enjoy that will be easy for you to stick with.
  • A new hobby: Many people find hobbies quite soothing. They can include crossword puzzles, model building, knitting, or painting. Whatever you choose, remember that being good at it isn’t as important as how good you feel doing it.
  • Relaxation techniques: Yoga and meditation are both great ways to relax your body and mind. Other helpful practices include journaling, aromatherapy, or getting regular massages.
  • A good, deep breath: In times of stress, it’s amazing what simply taking a breath can do. Try inhaling for a count of 4, holding for a count of 2, and exhaling for a count of 4. Repeat until you feel more focused and calm.

To learn more about finding balance between your commitments, visit our page on balancing work and life on


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TOPICSbalanceMid-Atlantic StatesStresswork-life balance